Windows 10/11 Articles

Dear Readers,

As we venture into the world of modern computing, Windows 10 & 11 emerge as powerful symbols of technological advancement and innovation. At Dunetrails, these operating systems are not just platforms but are gateways to optimized IT solutions and efficiency. Founded on Geert’s profound expertise, we have closely followed and mastered the evolution from Windows 10 to the transformative Windows 11. In this category, we’ll share insights, updates, and best practices to ensure you harness the full power of these OSs. Trust in Dunetrails to guide you through the intricacies of Windows 10 & 11, ensuring your enterprise remains agile and future-ready.

Warm Regards,
The Dunetrails Team

The Evolution of IT Admin: Navigating the Fast-paced World of Updates

As an IT administrator with over two decades of experience under my belt, I've witnessed firsthand the drastic changes in how we manage Windows and application updates. There was a time when updates were a semi-annual event, meticulously controlled, and handled at a...

Simplifying Update Management and Enhancing Productivity

Windows Autopatch, a cloud service from Microsoft, aims to streamline the update process for multiple applications including Windows, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, Microsoft Edge, and Microsoft Teams. The concept of Autopatch originates from Microsoft's extensive...

Making a Difference: Championing Secure & Efficient Digital Workspaces

Inspired by Simon Sinek’s innovative concept “Start With Why,” our organization places importance not just on what we do or how we do it, but more critically, why we do what we do. As specialists in managing secure digital workspaces, our expertise includes leveraging...

Unmanaged Devices and Security Risks

As more people are working from home or in flexible office arrangements, there's been a big increase in the number of devices like laptops, tablets, and phones being used to access work-related materials. If these devices aren't properly managed, they can pose a...